Moss: Elder - knowledge - max out seven skills
Azala: Adult - fortune - hand of Poseidon
Eric: Teenager - knowledge - game designer 
Alyssa: toddler - 

narrated by Moss

I love the countryside better than city living, it will be better for all of us. Hopefully Eric won't be bullied for being different, just because he likes both ladies and men doesn't mean he has to be bullied about. As long as he is happy, that's the main think. I hear has already had a couple of dates with some of the town teenagers. Good for him.

Hopefully it will be good for Azala and Alyssa too. Azala wasn't to happy to move to the countryside, she liked the city living, a little bit too much. to much partying, and she ends up having two children by two different men. Hopefully that will calm down now.

Eric brought home a friend from school called Ricky, he didn't really chat to him much

but he does love his sister. I hear a couple of parents have upped and left the children, who does that, now their responsible for their siblings. Well if i ever meet them. I will shall gladly help them out, not finacially, not well off myself, but you know looking after the young uns for them.

I mean Azala is a good mum, she even helped Eric with his homework. I don't think there any clubs here to start off her party lifestyle again.

see she is even helping Alyssa with her toddler skills.

Azala has to share a room with Alyssa and that means when she wakes, she'll wake up her mum, but if your going to have children, you have to look after them. I don't mind looking after them either, their are great grand children.

more toddlers skills, Azala taught Alyssa how to walk.

Eric has taken up fishing, there are no jobs available at the moment, so if we need food, at least were have some in the fridge. Hopefully one day we will have some more community lots. The treasury has been thinking about giving out loans, so people can start running their own business whether from home or on a community lot.

I like being at home, all i need is things to keep me learning, like books. Even doing this like cooking, it is still learning, and the cleaning which is the best way to clean an oven lol.

Eric brought home a girl from school, i think i am being bit hypocritical. I don't like Azala party life but here i am encouraging Eric to enjoy life. Well Azala is now an adult and has to act like one, but Eric is still a teenager and needs no worry about jobs and things like. He will soon be doing that.

Eric respects his mom and everything, their even watch their tv together, i would rather read a good book or a cooking show though. 

Eric shouldn't be the only one fishing, i am home all day so i should contribute to the family too.

Azala taught Alyssa a little nursey rhyme, but she is going to be a toddler for much longer

Eric is doing well at school, that is good, he's is able to manage school and date, but he doesn't have part time job to worry about.

oh no, Azala has found a male friend, let's hope it doesn't go the way i thinking it is going to.

Yep its going that way.

My little granddaughter is growing up, and that man friend his name is Joe is still here

he is not going to spoil my granddaughter birthday

aww she is so pretty.

I managed to make friends with some other elders that i met in the house the other day.

At least the weather is good, for the children to be outside

Not sure what Eric is up to here, maybe getting something to eat.

I know it warm, but fishing in your sleepwear, i don't think that's a good idea.

so gone and done it again. Does she never learn. She has invited Joe to live with us, their only been dating a couple of weeks. Oh well, he did bring some money with him. Joe Carr Fortune (i forgot to write his ltw down)

I don't think the children even care, so good that their did their homework straight away. Their both completely ignored him.

oh dear the the thing that i was dreading happened, she did it with him. I bet their will be consequences for that.

do they have to sit their in their underwear, can't their put clothes on,

oh i know what's coming next, she having a baby, i told you their would be consequences to their actions

well at least she cleaned the toilet up after that.

I made best friends with my granddaughter, but she needs to do her homework, i think she just getting her fun up to do it.

Lily Dandelion came over and chatted to Joe, i think he telling her that he loves Azala, i bloody well hope so their just made a baby.

See i am right, she is telling Joe that she is pregnant. He doesn't look to happy about it. A man can change.

Alyssa actually sat with Joe, talking about their favourite foods. Well we shall see out this goes, won't we.

Playable Sim:16
Treasury: 30K
Pets available: 0
Children available: 0
College Slots: 0
Community Lots: 0

Child adoption: 10k/10k
Pet adoptions: 10k/10k
Pet Trainer: not available
Butler: 1/5 Rich sims
Maid: 1/5 Rich sims
Exterminator: 0/5 lots w/roaches
Gardener/Garden club: 0/10 Gold Gardening badges
Matchmaker: 0/0
Nanny: 0/10
Pet Trainer: not available
Repairman: 0/5 Max Mechanical
Grocery delivery: no
Takeaway: no
Police: 0/0 law enforcement
Fire department: 0/5 read Fire safety


Vacation: No
Downtown: No
Business District: No
University: No
Apartments: No

Dance career: 2/2 (Tulip Bluebell/Lily Dandelion)

Word Count: 899
previous word count : 2920
Overall word count: 3819

Picture Count: 36
Previous Picture Count: 114
Overall Picture Count: 150
(Have not included data)



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